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Carrier bags
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Gusset bags
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Window bags
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Block bottom bags
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Flat bags
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Cross bottom bags
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Cone bags
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Bags with closure
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Paper rolls & sheets
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Custom packaging
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Our competencies

More than paper, naturally.


  • Automated filling capability
  • Self-adhesive closure
  • Euro perforation
  • Punching
  • Heat sealable
  • Heat resistant
  • Wet-strength
  • Recyclable

Products with a barrier

  • Water vapor barrier
  • Grease barrier
  • Oxygen barrier
  • Aroma barrier

Types of paper

  • Kraft paper brown
  • Kraft paper brown narrow-ribbed
  • Kraft paper white
  • Recycled paper brown
  • Recycled paper brown wet-strength
  • Recycled paper white
  • Glassine
  • Vellum substitute

With us, environmentally friendly

Certified. Sustainable.

F­SC cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­o­n

GS­D Ver­pa­ckun­gen is F­SC® cer­ti­fie­d an­d of­fer­s pa­cka­ging who­se ba­sic ra­w ma­te­ri­a­l, woo­d, co­mes from re­spon­si­ble fo­re­stry an­d finds the best pos­si­ble e­co­lo­gi­ca­l, e­co­no­mic an­d so­ci­a­l harm­ony.


The ma­nage­ment of GS­D-Ver­pa­ckun­gen Ger­hard Schür­holz Gmb­H her­e­by­ de­cla­res its com­mit­ment to im­ple­ment, main­tain, de­fi­ne an­d do­cu­ment the chain of cu­sto­dy re­qui­re­ment­s in­ ac­cor­dance with the PEF­C Stan­dard 2002:2013 point

I­SO 9001:2024

I­SO 9001 cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­o­n shows that a GS­D Ver­pa­ckun­gen com­pa­ny has a qua­li­ty­ ma­nage­ment sys­tem that meets the hig­hest in­ter­na­ti­o­na­l stan­dards.

Fe­dera­l As­so­cia­ti­o­n of Foo­d Con­trol

GS­D Ver­pa­ckun­gen un­der­goe­s an an­nu­a­l in­spec­ti­o­n by­ the Fe­dera­l As­so­cia­ti­o­n of Foo­d In­spec­tor­s. To com­mu­ni­ca­te this to the out­si­de world, we a­re a­war­de­d the well-know­n let­ter of re­com­men­da­ti­o­n.


Customized packaging
for the perfect first impression.


Optimal sales promotion starts with the appearance of the product. Pictures and words make it easier for the consumer to remember or decide. So use the packaging as an advertising space! We provide the right ideas. Our experienced team of designers will provide you with creative support from the initial consultation to the implementation of the packaging design. We prove our flair for contemporary design and demand-oriented appeal every day. Challenge us! We take care of repro and lithography, the so-called pre-press stage, for you expertly and competently. The technical equipment for this fully digitized work area is available in our company. Subsequent printing plate production and production preparation are also carried out independently and without delay on site.

Ready for your order, naturally.

Get in contact with us.

Please use the contact form to send us your product inquiry. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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