What belongs in the organic waste garbage can?

Everyone knows them, but there are still many rumors about the correct contents. It's all about the organic waste garbage can. The wrong contents, even if thrown in unintentionally, mean that the waste cannot be fully composted. As a modern and environmentally conscious packaging company, GSD Verpackungen Gerhard Schürholz GmbH is committed to environmental protection and sustainable waste recycling. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to inform you about the correct contents for the organic waste garbage can.

Unfortunately, the rumor of compostable plastic bags is still circulating. Back in the first half of 2018, we referred to an article in the magazine “Entsorga” in which the problem of plastic organic bags was discussed. However, it is certain that only paper organic bags are up to 100% compostable.

The following items, among others, do not belong in the organic waste, are considered “contaminants” and cannot be composted or cannot be fully composted:
- Plastic bags of all kinds (including compostable plastic bags)
- Glass bottles
- cans
- Crown caps
- Milk and drinks cartons
- Cigarette butts
- Ashes
- Batteries/rechargeable batteries
- Vacuum cleaner bags
- Diapers
- hygiene articles
- Glossy paper

The following items belong in the organic waste and can be composted and recycled:
+ Fruit (leftovers)
+ Vegetables (leftovers)
+ Bones (leftovers)
+ nuts (leftovers)
+ fish (scraps)
+ meat (leftovers)
+ eggs
+ lawn clippings
+ leaves
+ plants
+ hedge cuttings
+ shrub pruning
+ tea bags
+ coffee filters
+ manure from small animals

We at GSD Verpackungen Gerhard Schürholz GmbH also rely entirely on organic waste bags made from the renewable raw material paper and produce organic waste bags in various formats and designs - also with your individual print image.

Are you interested or would you like to request a non-binding quote? Don't hesitate to contact us today. Our friendly and competent staff will be happy to help you and support you right through to the finished product.

Use one of our contact forms on the right-hand side or simply contact us by phone on 02761 97440. 

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